All In One Teaching

Do you create and sell teaching resources? Are you interested in diversifying your income and exposure? We are excited to collaborate with you!

Smart Stuff Teaching is not a marketplace. Instead, we partner with teacher-authors like you to provide guaranteed upfront income in exchange for including your educational resources in our membership program. Our membership will allow busy teachers to access high-quality resources at an incredible value while increasing exposure for your resources and brand.

What is Smart Stuff Teaching?

Smart Stuff Teaching is a group of teacher-authors like you who are looking to reach new audiences with their teaching resources.

Our contributing educators share their expertise by licensing teaching resources to our subscription platform and are paid a guaranteed income upfront.

Meet some of our contributing Teacher-Authors

Become a Partner

Are you looking to diversify the audience for your teaching resources?

We are actively looking to partner with teacher-authors! Read our FAQ below for more information on licensing your resources with Smart Stuff Teaching.


How does a licensing agreement with Smart Stuff Teaching work?

You license your resources to our membership program for a set period of time, in exchange for an upfront payment. At the end of your license period, there are options to renew the agreement should you choose to do so. There is no obligation to renew, and we will remove all resource materials from our membership and site archives if the agreement ends.

Will I still own my resources?

Yes! As the author, you own the rights to your resources. Licensing simply grants Smart Stuff Teaching permission to include the resources you select in our membership program for the duration of the agreement.

Can I sell on other websites?

Of course! The resources are yours – you may sell them anywhere you choose.

Which of my resources can I license with Smart Stuff?

You choose which resources you want to license to us. You may wish to begin with your hidden gems – resources that you feel would benefit from increased exposure.

What are “hidden gems”?

Many teacher-authors have great teaching resources that aren’t selling because they just aren’t being seen. Licensing your hidden gems with Smart Stuff Teaching not only gives you the benefit of an upfront payment, it can give these resources much-needed exposure.

Can I include any of my free resources?

Yes. Our subscription program will offer a free membership tier and you will be compensated for the inclusion of those resources.

Will I receive any data on the performance of my resources in the subscription program?

Yes. While our service is still in development, our plan is to provide our contributors with a series of useful metrics about their resources.

How long does a license agreement last?

Our license agreements are typically 1-3 years in length, with the option to renew prior to expiry.

I am interested in licensing some of my resources with Smart Stuff Teaching. How will I get paid?

Smart Stuff Teaching offers guaranteed upfront payments to teacher-authors. The amount of compensation will depend on several factors, such as how many resources you choose to license to us and the length of the license period.

What is “guaranteed upfront income”?

We will provide you with an upfront payment based on the resources you choose to license to us. Payments are not determined by how many downloads your resources receive from our members.

How much work will I have to do to get things started?

The Smart Stuff team will use our simple and fast automated tools to handle the process of uploading your resources. No extra work for you!

What if I have an update for one or more of my resources?

We understand that your business’ brand is important to you. If a resource requires correction, you can simply email us a PDF of the updated resource and our support team will promptly handle updating for you. 

What happens if one of our members has a question about my resources?

Our support team will handle inquiries about your resources and relay to you any feedback that is submitted (e.g. fixing a typo).

Will I have to alter my resources or remove credit pages?

No, your resources are left as you have designed them. We do not require that you remove links to your own website, social media, or even marketplaces.

Will there be an opportunity for teacher-authors to earn referral fees?

Yes, Smart Stuff Teaching will feature a referral program offering an additional cash payout to teacher-authors for each new member referred.

Contact Us

Interested in collaborating? Contact us today to get the conversation started!